Tuesday, February 8, 2011

New Fast Girl Around the Block!

Seeing is truly believing. I had already bought the whole idea that changing my shoes to more of a minimalist/barefoot style running shoe would be better for me. I read enough blogs by seemingly intelligent people touting the increased speed and heard friends' stories of less painful running to know that it could help, but I was NOT prepared for this morning.
First, let's back up to last night, I wound up taking a second rest day due to my getting home and it being a bit too dark to be running solo. Not to mention I was so exhausted that I wound up dozing off 15 minutes into a great Anthony Bourdain episode, so I called it a night by 10pm. I committed myself to waking up at 6 to pound the pavement, and was actually out the door by 6:30. After a brief walk warm-up I started a nice and easy jog focusing on form, where my foot was landing, how I was kicking back, all the things that you're supposed to do when running barefoot or barefoot like. I was so shocked when I checked my run tracker after about a mile just to realize that it said I'd only been out for just over 8 minutes! 8 minutes?!?!?! Really, the tracker must have been broken, seriously broken... I took a little walk brake then kicked it back up to finish back to the house. I ran 2miles in 20 minutes!!! I have not had a 10 minute mile since before I left the Navy! I will never run in any other type of shoe. I want 3 miles tomorrow, I'm so excited to get back out there. Spread the word, I know I'll continue to do some more homework on the whole barefoot thing (I think I'm a little too phobic to actually run barefoot) but I must admit, I'm a believer!
Signed --
Your favorite Paleo-Minimalist Girl

Friday, February 4, 2011


Yes I know it's not spelled like that (anyone else remember the one hit wonder Nu Shooz)

So I went and bought new running shoes today with the minimalist theme in mind. It kinda goes hand in hand with my new paleo eating habits. The idea is that you shouldn't really strike your heal when running, but strike mid-foot and/or forward. It's optimal and actually the way we were meant to run. There are some great blogs about it that I've been reading up on to do my research. (runblogger.com is definitely a great one to check out)

Well, after much deliberation and web-searching I went back to a trusted source, the San Diego Running Institute. It's a favorite for many reasons to include that the owner is an M.D. who works in an office next door, the staff is always friendly and knowledgeable, and therefor help you make a very educated decision about your footwear. All I had to say was that I was looking to try a minimalist shoe and several of the ones I had read about and several others came out in a stack of shoe boxes all in my size (they still had me on file from my 2007 assessment/purchase, nice!) I tried them all on, from the cool Brooks Green Silence (which I almost chose) to Saucony's Kinvara (which were nice but still a bit too much padding going on and in some odd spots)
Then came the most minimal shoe they had. He pulls out the Terra Plana Vivo Barefoot, telling me how it's similar to the funky shoes with the toes (sorry, I've got super tiny toes and those things make me giggle) I'm thinking there looks to be nothing to them, how could I possibly think of running in them....

I have to admit, putting these bad boys on, my feet seemed to say, "Thank YOU" Really, now here's the deal. I recognize that you have to do things, like invest in good shoes if you're going to be running a lot and if you care about your feet. I've spent the past several months rediscovering my bodymind, my posture, learning about my bones and muscles and all the possible roots of the aches and pains that I carry with me (some newer than others, some as old as me) These shoes just felt good. I didn't miss the stabilizers and the cushions as I walked around the store and even hopped on the treadmill in my jeans (with very sore legs from bootcamp that morning) I just felt the forward momentum and I knew I was sunk. I'm a convert... can't help it. It's my thing, now you're gonna have to hear me talking about my new shoes and running style as well as my new way of eating as will everyone else around me who'll listen :P

Anywhoo.... I decide to check out their website (mind you, I bit a significant bullet as these shoes were not cheap) to see what else I should know about my new shoes and the company who makes them. And wholey cow... they are quite the green company with an abundance of footwear options (to include some cute vegan heels that look quite comfortable) They are an ethical shoe company based in the UK committed to "a combination of traditional shoemaking techniques and 21st-century technologies to celebrate style, health and environmental responsibility."

Well, with my new shoes in hand, I'm taking Saturday to rest (finally, I hurt everywhere) before sprint workout tomorrow. Will probably post a food blog for the BBQ I'm going to this afternoon. I've got some ideas and tricks up my sleeve for what to throw on the grill :P

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 2!

A very long 12hour day... and tiring too!
Let's go over the days successes shall we?
Nearly 3 miles in 45 minutes
Another day Paleo, couldn't even finish all of the food I took with me today
Worked on Deep Tissue Sculpting in school and received twice, plus mentor class for deep circulatory massage.

I'm tired and sore but it's all worth it. I'm excited to jump on the scale Friday morning, shocking I know.... but I've got a feeling that I'm on track with my 2 lbs a week. Doing a bootcamp class on Friday morning, I bought a package of 5 from one of those "deal" emailers for $20, one hell of a steal. Think I'll go once a week then use the other one I got that was a package of 10 for $25!

Ohh, and had a great jam session last night with DJ Schugar, it's gonna be great getting to do some music with the Infusion Project crew again. Working on some cool ideas as well as the original stuff. I wailed my heart out last night at the Ranch, that's for sure.

Boy oh boy am I wanting to tackle this room soon.... like now, but I have a billion of things to do, to include study for Phys/Path tomorrow... I will get an A in that class even if it kills me, lol.
Ok, then... not sure if anyone is reading this, but it's nice to have something to keep me on track.

Been thinking about adding another lyrical title to this blog... I mean, I doubt anyone but me knows the song anyway.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Well, well well...

Well, Happy New Year and all... and no, I don't want to hear about how long it's been. Not going to dwell on yesterday... We are talking about today!!
Today's successes are as follows
2.5 miles after school
8/10 on my Phys/Path Quiz
Healthy Eating all day
Heading down to the ranch to work on music as we speak
So, let's talk about the plan... This year I am running my first half-marathon, I want to be on the Dean's list and continue to work on finding a great career plan. So, let the fun begin!
I will be chronicling my fitness success as well as my journey into Paleo-Land. Looking forward to the ride!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 22nd, Rebirth

I woke up this morning at 5, then again at 6. I woke up this morning to what felt like change. No really, I felt like I had just had a conversation with a truly wise person and figured out how done I was with my status quo. Tired of running myself down in an unfocused frenzy, tired of not running, tired of wasting time crying over stupid little stuff, much of which is out of my hands anyways. I felt like the Universe kicked me out of bed saying "Enough is enough, go do!"

So.... at 6am PST I began anew. I got on google and mapped out my 2mile path, put on running shoes, grabbed 2 bags of dumpster bound trash and headed out the door. The iPod continued my morning wake up call theme with the following shuffled selections. (excluding the Sia track, I was already playing that one in my head)
1. SiA - Death by Chocolate
2. Olive - All I Ever Needed
3. Ani Difranco - Knuckle Down
4. Papa Roach - Sometimes
5. Floetry - If I was a Bird
6. Sade - Somebody Already Broke my Heart
7. Incubus - Blood on the Ground
Each one of these random selections gave me something new... ok not new, definitely not the first time I had heard them nor the messages it seemed like they were giving me, but definitely listening with fresh ears. It's amazing when you feel the pull...
And now, I just listened to Tears for Fears' "Brian Wilson Said" where I pulled the title of my new blog from.
Following that with Christian Aguilara's "Singing My Song" which I firmly believe says it all....

For those who are curious, look up the lyrics to that last one and know that I acknowledge and take it all to heart. I'm reclaiming my inner peace, for my sake and for the sake of those around me for whom I care. Starting from the inside, moving on to my home (and truly making it so) and moving on from there.
Making hard choices because I have to. Cutting down on the partying and selling the bike (don't say it, I have to, it's paid off and school isn't) I'm spending more time at home putting it together so that it can be a place I'm proud of. This is the start, much more to come, but I'm "going to keep on singing my song"
